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MilesWeb VPS Hosting Review: Is It the Right Choice for High-Traffic Website?

Every time to think out about starting an online business, there are many options available. One of the best ways to showcase your brand to the audience is through a website. A website helps to reach your brand to the audience. And it also builds your brand identity.

But to get your website on the digital platform, you need a web hosting service. Web hosting is renting server space, where you can store all your files and folders. Numerous web hosting providers offer you the required resources and solutions to get your website on the online platform.

When you want to get started online, most users prefer shared hosting services. Shared hosting is the cheapest and beginner-friendly web hosting service. But, as your business grows, your website requires more resources and tools to function.

Then you start searching for options that will give you more resources and sufficient storage so that your site will run smoothly without any hassle.

VPS hosting is the right option to handle the high traffic on your website. It grows with your business.

Get to Know About VPS Hosting 

As the name implies, a Virtual Private Server is exclusive to you.  You aren’t sharing it is with any other, meaning it is dedicated to you and your requirements only. Here the word dedicated means server resources like CPU, RAM and disk space is not shared.

If you start getting decent traffic on your website or you outgrow the shared server, in this scenario, VPS hosting can be the best option for you.

One of the best VPS hosting providers is MilesWeb. MilesWeb offers a high-speed and reliable Linux and Windows VPS hosting service. You don’t have to keep wandering for the best VPS hosting provider because your search ends here, as MilesWeb gives you all the top features at reasonable pricing.

In this article, I will give you a complete brief about their VPS hosting. It will help you decide if it is the right option for your website/application.

How does VPS Hosting Benefit Your Business? 

Certain factors make VPS hosting a perfect fit for any size of business.

Dedicated Resources – There is no sharing of server resources. You have complete control over them.

High Stability – You don’t have to worry about the performance of your website or web application. As you get an ample amount of resources, if there is any sudden spike on your website, it will not affect the stability of your servers.

Total Control – You get root access with full control over the dedicated resources. With this, you can host and work on heavy websites and web applications.

VPS Hosting Plans of MilesWeb 

With MilesWeb’s VPS hosting, you get more vCPU, bandwidth and RAM. Also, they have ten plans for VPS hosting ranging from V1 to V10.

Presently, they are running a great deal, where you can save 25% off on all VPS hosting plans.

The entry-level plan is V1. It includes the below resources and costs Rs.630/mo.

And the high-end plan is V10. It includes the below resources and costs Rs.32,640/mo.

Powerful VPS Hosting Features of MilesWeb 

No Noisy Neighbors 

A VPS server has its own resources and acts as an independent server machine. No sharing of server resources takes place in VPS hosting. As server resources are not shared, the performance of your website/applications remains stable.

CSF Firewall 

MilesWeb offers Config Server Security & Firewall, which is the most popular and compatible firewall application for Linux. Their support team will configure the CSF firewall to keep your websites safe from potential threats and attacks.

Easily Scalable

You can upgrade the plan at any time when you want. It can handle the requirements of your growing websites. The technical support team of MilesWeb will inform you that your VPS hosting plan needs to be upgraded. You can move to a better service plan for managed VPS hosting. You need to pay the difference amount for that plan, and you are all set to go.

Dedicated IP

A VPS is basically an isolated server means it has all the features that an autonomous server has, as a unique IP address. It is the exact meaning of dedicated IP. On MilesWeb’s VPS hosting, your websites will share an IP address exclusive to your server.

Full Root Access 

You can customize the server in the way you want. You get full root access, where you are the administrator of your VPS server. Also, you can securely customize and access your VPS with Secure Shell Transfer Protocol.

SSL Certificate 

An SSL certificate is a key aspect that builds confidence for anyone who visits your website. It also beneficial for the SEO rankings of your website. Get a free SSL certificate with MilesWeb’s VPS hosting plans. MilesWeb incorporates a free SSL certificate with their VPS hosting plan. Information that passes back and forth from the server will be encrypted safely.

To Wrap Up

Additionally, MilesWeb offers a powerful SSD-based VPS hosting service with an assurance of a 99.99% uptime guarantee. With the fully managed VPS hosting, they offer you 24/7 free human customer support. Also, the server location is in Mumbai, the center location of the country.

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