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Tips To Boost Your Website Design Efforts

Do you want to live free and make your own hours while making good money right at home? This is everyone’s dream yet few actually accomplish this, you can do this if you get into web design. The advice in this article can assist you towards becoming a great designer of websites.

It is always good to add a favicon to your website. The favicon is a 16×16 image file in the .Ico format. This image is the one you see next to the URL bar, next to the title of the page on an opened tab and is also visible on your bookmarks tab if you choose to bookmark a page. The favicon will help users quickly recognize your page in their browser without reading any text or directly viewing the page.

Frames have been uncool to use since the 90’s. Back then, they were the height of technology, but technology has moved on. Frame designs are difficult for people to bookmark and scroll through. There are better ways to allow your users to browse your pages easily.

Don’t use splash pages for your site unless required by law, and especially don’t use a Flash intro. Most people just want to get to your content as quickly as possible, and don’t care to look at useless splash pages. If you have some amusing content that you absolutely want visitors to see, integrate it into the homepage instead.

Don’t use a lot of graphics. They are good for making your site more professional, but too much looks messy. Graphics should improve your site, not just pretty it up. Having the right amount of graphics that don’t clutter the design can improve the site’s usability, too.

To help your visitors be able to easily read your site, you should design it using contrasting colors. If you use colors that contrast, it makes the text stand out. If you have black text with a black background you will not be able to see the information, but if you have black text with a white background it becomes simple to read.

If you want more visitors to your site, you need to design it in a way that makes it easy to update content. If your site can be easily updated it helps you to be able to quickly add new and relevant information. A site that is constantly updated will keep your visitors coming back for more.

Meta tags used on each page of your site, can increase visitors to your site. This is an important design consideration. You need to spend some time on creating high quality meta tags so that search engines can classify your site properly. Your website will under-perform on search engines and draw fewer visitors than it should if you use inappropriate or ill-conceived meta tags.

Make use of your grammar and spell checker. Yes, some mistakes may get passed some of your audience, but it will not get past everyone. You could lose some of your audience because of this, particularly if you make mistakes frequently. Do your best to correct your grammar and spelling on your site.

Selecting the right server to upload your files, it is important for site design. You want a file server that is reliable, secure and fast. The pros go with FileZilla because it fits the bill in terms of speed and reliability. You can choose this or something similar; what’s important is that you have a reliable file server.

Looking back on all that you learned about web design can seem a bit overwhelming. If you’re feeling like this then you might want to reread these tips in this article so that you you can retain the knowledge you gained today, because all that you gained means nothing if you can’t remember and apply it.

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